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3 step`s to the right LED
LED Colors
It becomes Light
Color temperature K
Color nm
Luminous intensity cd
Luminous flux lm
Illuminance Lux
Luminance L
The Photon
We recomend:

3 step`s to the right LED
LED Colors
It becomes Light
Color temperature K
Color nm
Luminous intensity cd
Luminous flux lm
Illuminance Lux
Luminance L
The Photon
3 step`s to the right LED
LED Colors
It becomes Light
Color temperature K
Color nm
Luminous intensity cd
Luminous flux lm
Illuminance Lux
Luminance L
The Photon
We recomend:

Video für Roller Skates
gib´s in unserer
LED Fashion Seite

Wußten Sie, dass LEDs auch schön machen?
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Keine Batterien erforderlich.
Ein kleiner, eingebauter
Dynamo bringt die

LED Birne
LED Birne 806 lm
9,5W 85lm/W
E27 warm weiss
LED Birne 1150lm
LED Birne 1150 lm
12W 95lm/W
E27 warm weiss
LED Birne 700 lm
6W CRI-90!!! 117lm/W!!!
E27 warm weiss
LED Birne 1110lm
LED Birne 1110 lm
13W 85lm/W
E27 warm weiss
LED Fluter
LED Fluter 5.000 lm
50W ca. 100lm/W
230V warm weiss
LED Birne 1150 lm
12W 96lm/W
E27 warm weiss
Energysaving with LEDs

Energy saving with LEDs

Our German sites are much more detailed then our English sites. So please switch in our Germen sites and use the language translater (top right) with 60 languages.

Dear reader!
The Internet is full from messages as: " There is no LED lights that can replace a bulb, they are still under development ore LED lights are in their luminosity still too weak and rather for Design lighting usable. One can easily recognize by the shown photos (click for Info´s), that these reports are simple WRONG. There are LEDs in any strength on the market and also the prices, compare with 2008, already drastically lowered itself. In order not to buy a wrong LED, we recommend to read our: " 3 step´s to the correct LED lighting (link) " and " LED colors (link) " sides. LEDs holds for a very long time and it would be unfortunate if one would not be satisfied with its LED lighting.

Destroying ecological balance - energy energy-savings lamp and bulbs must be stopped!

After the resolution of the European Union committee responsible for Ökodesign starting from 1 September 2009 the sale of all matte bulbs and as well clear bulbs with 100 Watts achievement is forbidden. Starting from 1 September 2010 then all clear 75-Watt-bulbs follows and starting from 1 September 2012 all remaining bulbs..


There is now 129 years past since the Thomas's E. Edison announced the electrical lamp as patent. Long time enough now the experts of the European Union member states means and agreed in Brussels to take bulbs, because of the high energy consumption, from the market.

But finally not only the high current consumption blows out the light of the conventional lamps. A new ecological balance study pointed out that with the production of LEDs only approx. 20% of the energy must be spent as with the production of the currentcorrosive bulbs. For 25 comparison bulbs, which one would have to renew during the life span of an LED, one needs approximately 3,300 kilowatt-hours for the production. For an LED only 700Kw. This calculation included the raw materials, the materials and the emissions by transport.

Polluter: 25 lamps a´100W use 2,500 KW/H energy in 25,000 hr. and radiates a light-current of approx. 33 Mil. lm (entire quantity of light = lumen). To that 25,-- Euro initial costs still approximately 390,-- Euro cost of electricity comes in addition (average value offerers of 20 energy company).
Makes together, without counting the work time of replacing installation,

415,-- Euro total costs

For 25,000 hr. e.g. the 13W LED pear with 88 superflux power LED (nearly like a 100W bulb) needs only 325 KW/H, with a light-current of 25 Mil. lm, which means an electricity bill of approx. 50,-- Eur. (Average value). Thus come to the initial costs of 48,-- Eur. the 50,-- Eur. electricity in addition, result in

Total costs of 98,-- Eur

How important is our ENVIRONMENT for us? The CO2 balance
In addition, the CO2 - balance clearly points out the advantages of an LED. From the generation of electricity 1,250 kilograms of CO2 result!! during the enterprise of the bulbs! , with the LED only 162 kg!!!. Plus the CO2 Emission of the production, result in entirely:

100W Bulb: 2.900 Kilogramm CO2         13W LED: 512 Kilogramm CO2
Vergleich LED gegen Glühbirne bei 25 und 50000 Std.
More clearly it does not go any longer!

The OUT for the energy saving lamp?

Criticism becomes loud: On-line portal Öko-Test bombards formally the resolution of the EUROPEAN UNION committee to change to the energy-savings lamps. Electrical smog, wrong data of the manufacturers, bad light quality, higher heating costs, high-poisonous heavy metals and a biological risicofactor are only some the points Öko test throws the European Union experts to the head.
Only where remains, in this scenario, the energy-saving LED and OLED technology?
Only where remains, in this scenario, the energy-saving LED and OLED technology?
Öko test only meagerly reports are found and the EUROPEAN UNION experts silent themselves out, although years ago they already recognized that energy energy-savings lamp can represent only one temporary solution. The future belongs undisputedly to the LEDs. They are pollution free in the production and in the disposal and in addition still keeps 10 times longer than energy energy-savings lamps.

By the way…. did you know that in a fluorescent tube up to 5mg mercury steam is contained? 150mg can be deadly for humans! Collect 30 fluorescent tubes, close you with them together into a small room, then destroy them... and you are DEAD!
This comparison may sound for someone very exaggerated and "hard", but however it points out , how dangerously mercury steam for humans and environment real is and nevertheless "hanging" in millions of households and office buildings over our heads. For animals 30mg already hands, that means, 6 fluorescent tubes. And one should envisage this comparison, if you find next time in the domestic refuse a broken energy lamp.

LED "fluorescent tubes" contains 0 mg mercury (Hg)
Here some will perhaps ask itself in such a way... and what the European Union committee say to this?
Briefly said: Nothing. It promotes even still this scenario, because the European Union RoHS guidelines (English: Restriction OF the use OF certain hazardous substances; German: „Beschränkung der Verwendung bestimmter gefährlicher Stoffe “) say, it is allowed! to be used up to 5mg mercury per lamp.
In short, mercury ESPs belongs into the special refuse! Frightening interesting to be still noticed here that only approximately 30 per cent of the energy energy-savings lamp and the fluorescent tubes in the comparison year 2007 were duly collected and disposed of environmental fairly. Private households collected and disposed of even only ten per cent of the old lamps separately of the domestic refuse. The "best" collecter were however the Austrians and Sweden. There the collecting ratios amount to 62% and/or 89 per cent and thus are double or three times so high.

Der LED-Anwendungsbereich geht weit über diese Beiträge hinaus...

But how does it look in other countries? There are fluorescent tubes already for a very long time and the ESP started in the last years a record-suspicious triumphant advance, up to the last angle of our earth. The disposal problem was turned however simply under the table or mentioned not once. Many humans do not even know that in this "new" achievement contains poison materials. The story of the Viktoriasee e.g.(Story , sound after the first appearance quite well, only does we ask themselves whether to the supplied ESP lamps also a waste disposal facility was provided? Would surely interesting to be experienced.
And here the truth story about the Viktorialake.(truth story, truth story 1/2, truth story 2/2)

Here some good LINKS:

Gesundheit        Was kostet es, 1kg Quecksilber über das Abwasser zu entsorgen?        Quecksilber im Hausmüll        LED Leasing        Öko-Test         Yahoo        ORF

OVERVIEW: The benefit of LEDs

Brightness comparison: LED 2,3Watt!!!, GB 25W, GB 40W

Led Energiesparlampe  LEDs insted of bulbs: Saving up to 90% energy with 50x longer lifespan!
 10 x longer lifespan as ESP lamps
 NO UV radiation
 Switch on immediately and 100% light power
 LEDs contains no mercury
 little heat radiation
 In all WHITE colors available
 In all colors available
 RGB LEDs radiats white light but also all colors
 The new LED generation convince with high light efficiency
 LEDs are 100% shock proof
 NO maintenance cost

LED Fach/Lampen Abteilung
LedshiftLed Lampen für alle Anwendungsbereiche finden Sie, nach Farbe sortiert, in unserer LED Fach/Lampen Abteilung. Klick auf die gewünschte LED Farbe um unsere Angebote zu sehen.
Warm Weisse LEDS Weisse LEDS UV, Schwarzlicht LEDS Blaue LEDS Grüne LEDS Gelbe LEDS Orangene LEDS Pike LEDS Rote LEDS RGB (Rot, Gruen, Blau) LEDS Infrarot LEDS Zubehoer für LEDS

NEU!!! LED Birne
6,5W 125 lm/W
CRI 90 E27 warm weiss
LED Birne
LED Birne 806 lm
9,5W 85lm/W
E27 warm weiss
LED Birne 1150lm
LED Birne 1150 lm
12W 95lm/W
E27 warm weiss
NEU!!! LED Birne
3W 100 lm/W
CRI 90 E14 warm weiss
LED Birne 1110lm
LED Birne 1110 lm
13W 85lm/W
E27 warm weiss

230V LED gegliedert nach GU10, E14 und E27 Sockel

230V LED gegliedert nach GU10, E14 und E27 Sockel

LED Röhren gegliedert 60cm, 90cm, 120cm und 150cm und in WARM WEISS und WEISS

Alle Angebote: LED-Panele

LED Panele gegliedert in WARM WEISS und WEISS

Wo könnte man noch Energie sparen? Hier in Tipp für unser Goverment!

Be kreativ and go through!

"There are not to less answers as questions" ... under this slogan LED SHIFT brought the ideas box into being. Send to us your Inovationen in things environment and energy saving. We publish the most meaningful inventions in our ideas - box side. Entries under
The best inovations will get an LED-Candle!
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